Case Study
Drupal Camp Asheville 2024 - July 12th-14th
Brian Tofte-Schumacher
Forum One
Structured SEO Data: An overview and how to for Drupal
Greg Monroe
SolarWinds, Inc
The search world is all about social graphing today. Just look at Google's quick results sidebar when you search for a local business. You see a picture of the business, rating/reviews, hours, menu and more. Structured SEO data can help you define and shape what is shown about your site on search results.
Learn the basics of data analytics by visualizing the Drupal ecosystem
Leul W Shewangizaw
In this session we'll learn how to gather, clean, and visualize Drupals usage statistics using essential data science tools.
Participants will leave the session with a host of ideas on how they can use these tools to analyze their own data; both for client work and within their organization.
We'll cover:
How a Large NGO Used Drupal's Potential to Maximize and Organize Its Content
Chris Perry
American Board of Pediatrics Past, Present, and Future
Adam Bergstein
Hook 42
Beyond User Personas - Value Proposition Canvas
Nancie McCraw
Earth Resources Technology
ERC360: A case study on how to serve a large number of institutions with Drupal Multisite
Michael Nolan
Cerium Software LLC
Building websites for scientists, the management and the public: An example from CERN
Nefeli Kousi
My-Great Migrate API Experience
Kyle Levitan
Phase2 Technology
Four Communication Hacks to Manage Clients and Win
James Smith
L.A. Care