Submit Session Proposal

Drupal Camp Asheville 2025 - July 11th-13th

View sessions submitted for this year's camp.

Session Submission Information

Session selection schedule:

  • April 14, 2025 - Deadline for all session proposals
  • April 28, 2025 - Sessions selected
  • May 5, 2025 - Sessions confirmed
  • May 12, 2025 - Session schedule announced

Selected speakers will receive a code to redeem a free general admission ticket to camp.

Speaker Agreement

By submitting a session to Drupal Camp Asheville, you agree to the following:

  • That you will follow the Code of Conduct.
  • That you haven't been asked not to attend or speak at Drupal community events.
  • If selected, you will attend the camp (July 12th, 2025) and present your session.
  • If you need to cancel your attendance and/or presentation, you will notify the camp organizers as soon as possible so that they can arrange for a substitution.
  • That your presentation may be recorded and made available online.
  • That you will not include any proprietary material in your session that you do not have the legal right to include.
  • That you will not use the session to specifically promote products or services.

Speaker Information

  • You will have 45 minutes for your session. You may include a Q&A session as part of that, but we ask that you have at least 30 minutes worth of material prepared.
  • After your session, continue the conversation in a common area with attendees to answer additional questions.
  • Speakers should plan to arrive in their room to set up at least 5 minutes before the session is scheduled.
  • You should have:
    • Your computer with plenty of power
    • Any special cables or adapters needed
    • Your presentation/slides prepared to present
    • If your presentation is pre-recorded, your video on your computer

Presenter Resources are available with tips for creating a presentation and options for accommodations or other formats.

Session Proposal

About Your Session
Presentation Delivery
I will present my full session live and in person.
I will present a pre-recorded session in person.
This session would best serve

If you have presented this session another time, please provide some details about when and where you have presented this session. If there is a recording available online, we'd love to see a link to it!

Having presented this session previously does not disqualify the session at all. It is just helpful to know when building a balanced schedule.

About text formats
If this session is selected we will be posting and talking about it on various social media sites. Please provide some example posts to help us better articulate the value of the session to potential attendees.
About You
I am a...
If you are representing a company with this session, please provide that company name (autocomplete).

If you've spoken at other camps or cons, please list a few here and provide links if possible. This will help us better know what to expect from your presentation.

If you have not spoken publicly before at a camp or conference, that is no problem at all. We are looking for speakers across the full spectrum of experience. Drupal Camp Asheville is a great place to try your first or fiftieth presentation!

Is your attendance to the camp dependent on acceptance of this session?
If you are presenting with another speaker or speakers, please provide their name(s), pronouns, company(s), username(s), and any other speaker-related information you've provided for yourself.
I, and/or my co-speaker(s), identify with marginalized communities in the following categories
I agree to the Speaker Agreement outlined at the top of this page.