View sessions submitted for this year's camp.
Session Submission Information
Session selection schedule:
- April 14, 2025 - Deadline for all session proposals
- April 28, 2025 - Sessions selected
- May 5, 2025 - Sessions confirmed
- May 12, 2025 - Session schedule announced
Selected speakers will receive a code to redeem a free general admission ticket to camp.
Speaker Agreement
By submitting a session to Drupal Camp Asheville, you agree to the following:
- That you will follow the Code of Conduct.
- That you haven't been asked not to attend or speak at Drupal community events.
- If selected, you will attend the camp (July 12th, 2025) and present your session.
- If you need to cancel your attendance and/or presentation, you will notify the camp organizers as soon as possible so that they can arrange for a substitution.
- That your presentation may be recorded and made available online.
- That you will not include any proprietary material in your session that you do not have the legal right to include.
- That you will not use the session to specifically promote products or services.
Speaker Information
- You will have 45 minutes for your session. You may include a Q&A session as part of that, but we ask that you have at least 30 minutes worth of material prepared.
- After your session, continue the conversation in a common area with attendees to answer additional questions.
- Speakers should plan to arrive in their room to set up at least 5 minutes before the session is scheduled.
You should have:
- Your computer with plenty of power
- Any special cables or adapters needed
- Your presentation/slides prepared to present
- If your presentation is pre-recorded, your video on your computer
Presenter Resources are available with tips for creating a presentation and options for accommodations or other formats.