Drupal Core
Drupal Camp Asheville 2024 - July 12th-14th
D7 or D8
Erich Beyrent
Did you clear the cache? A Contextual Tour of Rendering Efficiently
Rob Powell & Stephen Lucero
ERC360: A case study on how to serve a large number of institutions with Drupal Multisite
Michael Nolan
Cerium Software LLC
How-to: Using "drupal-project" with Composer to Craft your Perfect Start-State
Hawkeye "Derek DeRaps" Tenderwolf
The drupal-project repository is quickly becoming the defacto starter for all Drupal 8 projects. In this session, I'll show you:
Drupal 8 Configuration System Basics
Michael Anello
My-Great Migrate API Experience
Kyle Levitan
Phase2 Technology
Help, I'm Lost. A NativeScript and Drupal 8 Story
Sean Ainsley
Techlink Solutions
No More Excuses: Test Your Modules!
Erich Beyrent
DevSecOps: Diving In to Drupal Security
Will Chatham
ERT, Inc (NOAA Affiliate)
This session will cover key Drupal security concepts, from administering a website to developing modules, to how security matters in your hosting environment. Based on the OWASP Top 10 and other best-practices in security, we will look at the major risks and threats everyone should be aware of in order to stay secure and prevent disaster from striking your carefully crafted project(s).
Building 195 networked Drupal 8 Sites with Pantheon's Upstream
Brooke Heaton
Forum One