
Drupal Camp Asheville 2024 - July 12th-14th

Deploy to Mars with Lando

Aaron Feledy
Arrow One Solutions LLC

You thought Lando was just a flight simulator. A tool to be used on the ground, safely replicating the real-world environment you and your team face in production. What if I told you that Lando is also your production facility, your launchpad, and your mission control?

Local web development environments made easy with Docker and Lando

Dustin Harrell
Avid New Media

Website development tools have come a long way over the past decade and if you are just getting started you can feel lost pretty quickly. To do something simple like spinning up a CMS and installing a few plugins comes with a handful or pre-requisites that may be out of your skill set and more suited for someone in devops. What tools do I need to use? Do I need a server?

Solve the right problems to build great websites

Joe Meersman
Elevated Third

A smart programmer is not the one who fixes all the problems, but rather, the one who understands what the problems worth fixing are. When discussing quality software, everyone talks about unit tests and test-driven development, only a small piece of building good software. In this session, we'll explore validation and verification beyond software tests.

Make Local Dev Great with Lando!

Aaron Feledy
Arrow One Solutions LLC

Asking members of your team to spin up local copies of your Drupal application can result in all sorts of different solutions to the same problem. Some might spin up VMs, some might spin up their own combination of Docker Containers, and some might struggle with native solutions on their own machines.

No More Post-Its! Automate Configuration in Drupal 7 & 8

Chris OConnor
Hearts of Oak LLC

Learn to change tires on a moving car! 

In this session, you'll learn efficient and bulletproof(-ish) ways to roll out significant changes to new/existing sites without any manual UI changes. No more scribbling, code-pushing, and clicking: enjoy the peace of mind that comes with knowing your configuration will automatically cascade into all your environments.