Drupal Camp Asheville 2017

Drupal Camp Asheville 2025 - July 11th-13th




340 Victoria Road
Asheville NC 28801
Get Directions

35.570638, -82.5552659

Event Sessions

9 Essentials of Web Marketing Success

Tom Sliker
Broadstreet Consulting, LLC

Once you have your Website online, how do you get FOUND on the Internet? How does Google Work? How do I use the Web to acquire new customers?

Long-time Drupalist and Digital Media Consultant Tom Sliker reveals the methods his clients have used to expand their businesses, growing sales and reaching new customers. Learn how a business can dominate a local market's search results.

Creating an online business workflow with no custom code

Jon Firebaugh

What started out as a simple brochure website has become a file repository with workflow automation replacing MS Word documents, that were tedious to fill out. The entire site is built from contrib with no custom code!

Drupal has been promoted as being modular like a set of legos and this session demonstrates the capabilities that Drupal offers to non-developer site builders.

DevSecOps: Diving In to Drupal Security

Will Chatham
ERT, Inc (NOAA Affiliate)

This session will cover key Drupal security concepts, from administering a website to developing modules, to how security matters in your hosting environment. Based on the OWASP Top 10 and other best-practices in security, we will look at the major risks and threats everyone should be aware of in order to stay secure and prevent disaster from striking your carefully crafted project(s).

Everyday Agile

Justin Rhodes
Kanopi Studios

This session is for beginners jumping into Agile Project Management or small businesses who are looking to make the switch towards Agile practices within their agencies.

JavaScript ES6: The best vanilla you’ve ever tasted

Ryan Hagerty

Today’s JavaScript can be a clutter of confusing context and workarounds for a lack of language features, but it doesn’t have to be that way. Imagine if we could demystify the this keyword, squash asynchronous callbacks with ease and include features like modules and classes — all without the dependency of a third party library.

Keynote: The Unintentional Findings of a Honey Badger

Adam Bergstein

We can often be blind to our own predispositions, like that of being a honey badger. To evolve, we must learn who we are, recognize our own biases and tendencies, and seek transformation. Let’s explore how we can see our daily interpersonal interactions as an opportunity to be better, even as we struggle with our own inner honey badgers

Lightning Talks and Closing

Anyone, even you!

Want to let people know about something cool you're working on? Did one of the sessions you attended spark a neat idea? We'll be wrapping up the Camp with a series of five minute lightning talks where you can share.

The Content Development Bottleneck: Don’t Let Content Slow Down Your Development Projects

Justin Belleme
JB Media Group

Website development companies have long struggled with the challenge of getting website content from clients in a timely manner. This causes a variety of problems for web development and programming companies including mismatched expectations, extended project timelines, excessive client communication, delayed project payment timelines, and in some cases unhappy clients.