Accessibility is a moving target - What's new in 2022?

Drupal Camp Asheville 2025 - July 11th-13th

Esteemed (229)
Start Time



AmyJune Hineline
of at Red Hat
AmyJune Hineline headshot

AmyJune Hineline is the Senior Community Manager at, a project supported by Red Hat. She is also a Drupal Core Mentor. With a dual focus on both open-source community development and inclusivity, she is uniquely positioned to help individuals become more comfortable and confident as they contribute to their communities. She co-organizes various open-source camps and conventions globally, empowering individuals to forge deep community connections that benefit the whole. As a self-described non-coder, AmyJune helps communities discover how they can contribute and belong in more ways than code. 

Her ongoing experience as a hospice nurse keeps her in touch with the challenges faced by many end-users. In her continued efforts to make a difference, she helps organize A11yTalks, an online meetup that advocates all things accessibility - one of the core components of building an inclusive web. 

Outside of her mission in the technology community space, she has a deep love for mycology, geocaching, and air-cooled Volkswagens. Her ability to spell diarrhea without the aid of spell check has won the hearts of millions.

Despite our best efforts, it’s difficult to future proof a website for accessibility standards. Your code and design may follow current standards, but will your careful compliance become obsolete when new guidelines are released?  What happens when the site is updated or content is entered? What browsers or assistive technology agents do your consumers use?

We will review a holistic approach for the complete lifecycle of an accessible website —including how to iterate on existing content without impacting the hard work you put in during the build. Much like SEO...your work is never done. It should be considered in the initial build, then maintenance, complete with sprint regression testing, etc