As a site builder or content editor looking for continued career growth, what should you learn next? In this talk, we'll explain tools and technologies simply and how learning them aligns with common career paths.
Looking at Drupal conferences and videos you'll find talks on React, docker, VueJS, Symfony, Twig, and much more. Picking the 'right' thing to learn feels impossible! Where do I start? What's the benefit of each topic? Where will it take my career? Will I enjoy it?
We'll also learn a bit about each, so that they stop being buzzwords, and begin forming the foundation of greater knowledge.
This talk represents a chance to learn about these topics (and more) *in plain English*:
- Composer
- Object-oriented programming
- Symfony
- Twig
- Agile/Scrum
- JavaScript
- React & VueJS
- Docker
- CDNs
- And more!
Target Audience
Site builders, content editors, and people getting started with Drupal.
Learning Objectives
- Explain the difference between specific tools and technologies used in frontend, backend and DevOps for Drupal
- Perform basic development tasks
- Plan continued career path in Drupal
Prior Technical Knowledge
Familiarity with Drupal is helpful, but no technical knowledge is needed.