Drupal Science Summit
Designers, developers and site builders are communicating science in amazing ways. Come out and discuss how others in the scientific world do Drupal!
Have you launched a Drupal website recently that you are proud of? Created a highly ambitious data visualization or user experience? Developed a great user support model for your content editors? Share your awesome projects and lessons learned with your peers.
We will kick-off with a panel discussion, made up of your colleagues and then break out into a variety of round-table discussions on various topics that touch your job. We will also be hosting in-depth case studies as well as have dedicated time for networking with your peers.
Meet Drupalers from all different skill levels, from beginner through expert, in a variety of roles -- site builders, developers, themers, project managers, support specialists, etc. If you are running up against a challenge or obstacle getting something approved or completing a task, there’s a good chance others are too, and can offer advice or act as a sounding board to discuss potential solutions! Let’s meet up and share our collective expertise!
Stefanie Gray and Dan Feder: How the DKAN Open Data Platform Empowers the Scientific Community
DKAN is a community-driven, free and open source Drupal-based open data platform with a full suite of cataloging, publishing, and visualization features. With international usage spanning 30 countries as well as adoption by numerous U.S. cities, states, and federal agencies, it is a powerful tool to open up data to the people.
Event Information
Date: Friday, July 13, 2018
Time: 9am - 5pm (Coffee breaks and lunch included)
Registration: 8:30am
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