How to Audit PDFs for 508 at Scale

Drupal Camp Asheville 2025 - July 11th-13th

Esteemed (229)
Start Time



Lauren Maffeo
Session training slide with Lauren in a pink sweater sitting in a field

You've read the Statement of Work for your next client project: A full content audit of their website to prepare for the client's first migration to Drupal.

This client has 50k+ PDFs on their website, and few (if any) are 508-compliant. Your job is to audit all PDFs for 508 compliance to support a new, accessible Drupal website.

Scared? I was when it happened to me. This session shares tips I learned to audit PDFs for 508 compliance at scale and make new content that everyone can access in Drupal.

We'll cover:

- Key differences to audit accessibility for PDFs vs. HTML
- Tools to audit for 508 compliance at scale
- When to use web scraping vs. web crawling
- A roadmap to prepare non-compliant PDFs for migration to Drupal
- Concrete steps to make PDFs accessible from the start.
- What participatory design is, and how you can co-design Drupal sites alongside users with accessibility needs.

Session Files

Attachment Size
DrupalCamp Asheville 2023.pptx15.04 MB 15.04 MB