Drupal Camp Asheville 2022 Highlights

Drupal Camp Asheville 2024 - July 12th-14th

Camp Photos


  • 1% increase in Training Day attendance from 2019 (last in-person event)

  • 92% of people who purchased tickets attended (85/92, 8% attrition).

  • 57% of attendees received free tickets for speaking, sponsoring, or volunteering.

  • 0 positive COVID cases reported for our first in-person event since the pandemic started ðŸŽ‰

  • $655.61 event net profit

Session Statistics

  • 41% of session proposals were submitted by members of marginalized groups.

  • 8% of session proposals were submitted by first-time speakers.

  • 4% of sessions were presented by first-time speakers.

  • 30% of sessions were presented by members of underrepresented groups.

  • 4% of sessions were presented by members of the local community.

Session Intended Audience

  • 30% of sessions were specific to Enterprise teams.

  • 39% of sessions were specific to Small teams.

  • 30% of sessions were specific to Individuals.

Our most popular session in each time slot was:

Attendee Statistics

How would you best describe your experience with Drupal?

  • 61% I work for a company that uses Drupal

  • 46% I work for an agency that sells Drupal services

  • 42% I use Drupal at work or on a personal site

  • 5% I am new to Drupal

Which best describes your work?

  • 38% Agency

  • 33% Business

  • 20% Education

  • 16% Government

  • 14% Non-profit

  • 6% Other

  • 4% Science

  • 2% Freelance

  • 2% Hobby

Where do you work?

  • 84% Home

  • 42% Anywhere

  • 16% Office

  • 9% Co-working space

I attend Drupal events:

  • 78% On company time

  • 53% On personal time

  • 20% Virtually

  • 12% This is my first event

  • 12% With my family