Progressive Web Apps (PWAs) with Headless Drupal and React

Drupal Camp Asheville 2024 - July 12th-14th

Lookout Mountain (229)
Start Time



Navya Kosaraju
Valuebound Consulting Services Pvt Ltd.

This session delves into the cutting-edge realm of Progressive Web Apps (PWAs), exploring their innovative potential in conjunction with Headless Drupal and React. Attendees will gain insight into the intricacies of PWA implementation, including step-by-step guidance on integrating PWAs with Headless Drupal. Highlighting the robust offline support inherent in PWAs, as well as the dynamic capabilities of push notifications, the session elucidates how to craft an app-like user experience. Through a live demonstration, participants will witness firsthand the transformative impact of PWAs. Furthermore, a comprehensive examination of the pros and cons, as well as a forward-looking analysis of the product's future trajectory, will equip attendees with a well-rounded understanding of the PWA landscape.