Advanced Layout Builder for the Ambitious Site Builder

Drupal Camp Asheville 2024 - July 12th-14th

Beaucatcher Mountain (225)
Start Time



Rod Martin
Advanced Layout Builder for the Ambitious Site Builder with Rod Martin

Layout Builder is great - right?  Not really - “out-of-the-box” it’s pretty terrible.  Despite a few initiatives that are trying to create a better experience, we’re probably a couple of years away from seeing anything specific.  

This session is going to present Layout Builder in a way that actually makes it easier to use with beautiful results that anyone can implement.  You’ll come away with a list of recommended contrib modules, a list of configuration settings, and a completed site with styles, pre-set blocks and more - all without a line of code and without locking in to any vendor.

We’ve been using this approach to convert non-Drupal sites over quickly, along with making the content editor’s job a LOT easier.